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                       PRSHA GIVES BACK

                      HOW TO GET INVOLVED


Collect peanut butter (crunchy or smooth) and pop tarts and bring them to an upcoming PRSHA event. If you can not attend a PRSHA event you can give your items to any PRSHA officer.


Email us if you have a donation that you need picked up!


Visit to learn more!!!!

     2012 Feedback from Schools

Success Story: With the extra food at Thanksgiving a second grader said, "The food we received is a miracle."


Success Story: I had a student return after the Thanksgiving break so excited. He stopped to tell me that they had enough to eat over the break because they had their snacks. Thank you for all you do for our students.


Success Story: I have 3 kids on snack pak who are homeless. Mom and the 3 kids are living with a friend. Mom works as a waitress and depends heavily on her tips. She told me there are times when she doesn't have enough money to buy food. Thanks to snack paks these children will always have something to eat!


Success Story: We have a family that is living in a nearby motel to our school. The oldest child reported to us that this food is the only food they have for the weekend when their mom is at work. The student reported that it makes her and her siblings happy to have this food.


Success Story: Last week one of our first graders told his teacher at the beginning of the day "I'm so happy it's Friday because I get a bag of snacks to take home" I think for a 6 year old to be thinking about snacks at 8:00 in the morning is a clear indication that he really needs a snack pack. Success Story: We had a child that had been living with his mom and siblings at his grandmother's house and had been "kicked out" and had to find somewhere else to live. I know that the food came just at the right time as the family was riding around in the car that Friday trying to find a place to live before nightfall.


Success Story: One of our families with 5 children attending school here are dealing with dad's terminal cancer. He continues to try to work but is unable to many days due to intense pain and nausea. Mom has to stay home to tend to him and children too young for school. They are struggling to pay bills. Snack Paks provide these children food on the weekends so there is one less thing for the parents and children to deal with.








Hunger Data

17 million children in the US are living in food insecure households. 4 Nord, et al. Household Food Security in the United States, 2009. USDA ERS: 2010.

27.1% of the children in Texas are food insecure according the recent Map, the Meal Gap study, by Feeding America.


Texas ranked 11th highest in the US.In the same study the rate of food insecurity for children in select Texas Panhandle counties was as follows: Potter 28.0%

Randall 19.6%

Castro 29.7%

Deaf Smith 27.5%

Dallam 22.0%

  • Donley 20.1%

  • Gray 25.3%

  • Hutchinson 24.9%

  • Hall 31.3%

  • Moore 25.1%

  • Parmer 26.5%

  • Swisher 22.0%


To qualify for free lunch a family of 4 makes less than $29,965 and for reduce lunch a family of 4 makes less than $42,643

In Amarillo ISD 64% of the children are on free or reduced lunchIn

Hereford ISD 76% of the children are on free or reduced lunch

In our pilot program in 2010-11 12-20% of the kids on free and reduced lunch needed the backpack program. (just because you are on f/r lunch does not automatically qualify the child for a Snack Pak)


Currently we feed 2,400 kids in 34 AISD elementary schools and 2 middle schools.Hereford, Bushland, Clarendon, River Road, Lockney, Dalhart, Friona, Tulia, San Antonio, and Fritch ISD also participate in the program.

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